Winter’s cold chill is just around the corner, meaning gloomier days and less hours of that golden sunshine we all love. While a standard billboard or advertisement is certainly going to see less of the light of day as the sun begins to set earlier, the perfect way to brighten up the winter months is by advertising with an indoor or outdoor LED display!
Outdoor LED Screens
Outdoor LED screens produce crisp resolution and vivid colours, meaning that your advertisement will shine all throughout winter, displaying all your most important promotions. While the Christmas rush may be over, and seasonal shopping may slow, an outdoor LED display is the perfect way to advertise to passing traffic all year round!
Besides outdoor LED displays lighting up our winter, this time of year is known for something else that could use a big screen – the footy. Whether you barrack for an NRL team, or support an AFL side, chances are that throughout winter you’re going to need a big screen to watch all the nail biting action – or you’re going to need one to ensure that your venue is the place to be for every tackle, mark and try, Empowered Vision’s LED screens are perfect, with resolution so high you can see the players sweat, and customisation big enough that everyone can see – even those who forgot their glasses.